Kızılırmak Bridge






SPAN 200 m





Kızılırmak Bridge is a national competition project entry. The location of the bridge is in the intersection of the city’s main boulevard and Kızılırmak river. The structure is divided into two parts and the area in between is proposed as a park. This division is not only helping to create a well-defined park but also the area under the bridges, which will be highly used on the embankment level, will get more daylight and will be a safe and secure underpass. In the project, the bridge, with the span of 95m, has two different levels. The first upper level is dedicated for vehicles, the second level, separated by the green zone, is for pedestrian and bicycle crossing. In the middle of the bridge, the standard 37m width of the bridge structure extends to 45m and creates observation deck over the beautiful Kızılırmak river. Parks on both sides of the river transform into small scale squares next to the river. These new open areas of the city are suitable for hosting different events and are also peaceful areas for the daily use. In the overall design, KIZILIRMAK BRIDGE is not only a structure for crossing the river, with its multi-functional and multi-layered structure, the bridge becomes a new landmark of the city and the city life.